The Dreamer Media

Take your brand to DREAM heights with The Dreamer Media, one of the fastest growing global PR agencies.
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Media Placements

Our extensive network of contacts with journalists, writers, and editors at over 300 major media outlets enables us to secure strategic media coverage for our clients. Our clients have been featured in some of the most renowned publications globally and have established strong personal brands, positioning themselves as industry leaders. We can help you secure a full feature on Forbes or press features to increase your brand value.

Wikipedia Page Creation

Wikipedia is a highly renowned website that holds a prominent position in Google’s search results. It consistently ranks in the top five search results for any given keyword, making it a highly visible platform. Many well-known brands have established a presence on Wikipedia, recognizing the value of its credibility, exposure, and authoritative influence. Having a Wikipedia page can also trigger the creation of a Google knowledge panel.

Google Knowledge Panel Creation

The Google knowledge panel, which appears on the right side of search results when searching for big brands or well-known individuals like “Steve Jobs,” “Puma,” or “Tesla,” is highly sought after. Having a knowledge panel for your brand can greatly increase your authority and credibility. Our experts have uncovered the secrets to creating these panels and can provide this service for our clients. Just imagine the impact of telling your clients to simply Google your name and have a panel appear in the search results.

IMDb Page Creation

IMDb is a well-known and established website that is dedicated to celebrities in various fields such as acting, direction, and music composition. With years of experience, we excel in creating comprehensive IMDb pages for individuals, be it aspiring actors, musicians, or digital marketing experts. A high-ranking IMDb page on Google can boost your brand credibility and take it to the next level.

Our Clients Are Consistently Featured On Some
Of The Most Elite Publications

Here are few of the publications we work very closely with

Get in touch today to discover what we can do for you